See that stuff sticking up? That's hair. (If you can't make out the picture, let me explain it to you: His forehead is resting on the trampoline and I took the picture from behind him. So you are looking down at his back and the back of his head.)
Honestly, I wonder what they would do if I took him in to get a trim. It would make me laugh to watch them try to come up with a polite way to tell me I was a nut case. Compared to how much hair he's had for the past 2 years, this is a HUGE deal and it makes me sad. I like my bald baby and I can't imagine how he's going to look with hair. Although, I am really curious to see what color it will be... Maybe this will help us figure out who is daddy is, once and for all. JUST KIDDING!!
I can't believe it! We were just looking at photos of West from June this morning. And now he's got hair? I'm in shock.
Well, well. One look at a photo of W in his father's arms makes everything clear EXCEPT the fact that he would eventually grow real hair. WOW! Sounds like a little boy is emerging from that beautiful baby. Can't wait to see him. Love and off to Chicago.
LOL, too funny! Love the hair!
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