So the whole coffee filter fiasco from a few days ago was really a sign from God telling me to wean myself from the habit. Too bad that sign didn't have enough flashing lights and blinking arrows for me to see it and follow it.
Today is day 1 of quitting coffee cold turkey and I hate it. It's day 1.5 of not eating anything that contains soy, wheat, trace dairy (because I don't regularly eat dairy to begin with), eggs, corn, nuts, seafood, caffeine, strong spices, beef or chocolate. I haven't started some new detox, quick fix lose weight program. It may appear that I have become a vegan who eats chicken but doesn't eat soy or wheat, but this is not the case, either. I don't even know what you would call a vegan who eats chicken... Oxymoron, maybe? Not sure.
No, I'm doing all of this because I'm too cheap and too stubborn to put my daughter on hypoallergenic formula. Since her pH probe came back negative, meaning she doesn't have reflux like we all thought she did for the past 6 months, her digestive issues have to be due to something I'm eating that is passing through the breast milk. That means I get to eliminate all "fuss" foods from my diet for 2 weeks and then slowly add one category back in, a week at a time, until we figure out what is bothering her. If it means getting my happy baby back, I'll eat nothing but chicken and rice and veggies for the next 2 years if I have to.
I'm assuming this diet will get easier with time. It's probably my karma for once upon a time making fun of people who eat like rabbits. As I sit here typing this, I'm eating my lunch of plain grilled chicken and eggplant with a side of plain cucumber. I don't think I've ever purposely eaten eggplant before. It's not as bad as I thought it would be but it's not on my favorites list. What I wouldn't give for a big piece of bread covered in Nutella right now...
The hardest part is giving up the coffee, for sure. I'm starting to get that glorious caffeine headache and there isn't anything I can do about it. It will be worth it in the long run, I'm sure. But if I'm really cranky for the next few months, know it's because I'm hungry and in need of a grande soy half caff toffee nut latte.
Remember it takes about 2 weeks to "break" a habit. I personally think it takes more like two months, but you can do it! I have been vegan now for over a year (sans chicken though) and its really great! I feel a lot better and enjoy the foods I am eating. However, I don't know how it would be without soy or wheat. Good luck and hopefully your little one gets better soon.
Thanks! I'll probably email you soon and ask for some of you favorite meals for ideas. The no soy/wheat thing is what is giving me the most trouble. Thank goodness for rice and potatoes! Man, I wish we were in the same state again!
I hope you feel better soon JoAnna. And come on, you're not cheap, you're doing something awesome for CB. Hopefully this'll all work, because if she can handle it, your milk is still better than nutramigen or neocate. Good luck!
Another comment ... can you have those fake coffees? After a while they might start to taste good. I actually liked carob for a long time, until I started eating chocolate again. If you don't mix the real stuff with the fake stuff, it might just fool you.
I don't blame you, regular formula is expensive, much less the specialty stuff! You're probably saving even more money on your fancy diet. Best of luck, I know it must be challenging.
Someday CB will be in awe of what you are doing for her...she's blessed with a very good and loving Mom.
Good luck with the ain't fun, I know! Get through the first three days and then you'll be OK - at least the awful headache should be gone even if the craving isn't. Besides, if you are laid up with a headache, just W to bring you a fork...oh, yeah, and something bland to eat!
Love you!
This is proof that you ARE Mother of the Year, even if you like to joke about not being her.
CB is one lucky little girl to have a super momma like you!
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