I have all of these good intentions, like I'm going to start eating healthier and exercise a little... maybe actually start doing the prenatal yoga program I did so faithfully from the day I saw 2 pink lines when I was pregnant with W and CB. Unfortunately, good intentions are about as far as I'm going to get. There has to be some kind of nutritional value in onion rings and Dr. Pepper, right? And I'm sure I get plenty of exercise when I walk to and from the car and up and down the stairs (at least it sure feels like I have run a mile and a half after I walk up 15 stairs)... and really, these days, just putting on my shoes requires some serious yoga like action, so I'm good there.
A few nights ago it occurred to me that I am essentially gestating a 2 headed octopus. This came as I had 4 feet in my ribs, a head in my bladder, one in my pelvis and 2 elbows in my kidney, while the other baby was literally punching me in the butt. I know they are fighting for space, but if they could possibly do it without trying to decimate what is left of my internal organs, I'd be a little bit grateful.
These kids are getting big, very big, and it shows. My belly enters the room before I do now and it has gotten to the point where I have to constantly check for crumbs and spillage down the front of my shirts. Before all of the mess would just fall into my lap. Now, with my protruding belly button and mountain of a belly, food has to go through a fun little obstacle course before it can fall in my lap which causes all kinds of awesome stains. Let's just say that Oxyclean spray n wash stuff is really quite amazing.

As of a couple of days ago, both babies were measuring a week ahead and their heads were measuring 2 weeks ahead, hence the uterus that is measuring over 28 weeks. Lord have mercy. I'm gonna need it.

As they have started moving more, I have really gotten to "know" their personalities. We've always known that baby A was the more quiet one, as I've been feeling baby B move for almost 7 weeks now. Baby A has always just taken it slow and has NEVER shown us a face, only a back, or a hand or the top of the head. We've only seen one profile shot of baby A and that was at 12 weeks and most likely a fluke. Baby B, however, is much less shy. This baby is always dominating the ultrasound screen and will gladly give us a show, or the finger, as seen in this lovely shot from the ultrasound we had earlier this week.

Baby B also has a sweet side, thank goodness. We were actually able to get some 3-d pictures for the first time and played a fun little game of peek a boo. I still think that 3-d ultrasound pictures are incredibly freaky looking, almost as freaky looking as regular ultrasound pictures, but this one is pretty cute:

We were incredibly blessed at our last appointment, which sadly was our last appointment here in Germany. My doctor, who is awesome, spent a good 30 minutes checking the babies and letting us get a good look at them, or what we could of baby A, which was mostly a spine. For weeks we have been trying to determine their genders, but haven't been able to get any good shots of the gender region to be able to tell conclusively what they are. This time I begged him to look extra hard. I can only take 1300 pounds of stuff with me to CA and I have about 500 pounds of boy clothes here in Germany. So, I don't want to take boy clothes and then end up not needing them...
And it looks like we won't be needing the boy clothes, which makes my packing a whole lot easier. I can't even believe it. I don't think I will believe it until they are here. I honestly won't be surprised if at least one of them pops out and is a boy. I don't know why, because I don't have any reason to think this way. In all of our ultrasounds, we've never really seen anything that resembles any boy parts, but I still can't believe that there are 2 girls in there. Thankfully, all of CB's baby clothes are still in CA, but 2 girls are going to require a lot more clothes than we have, so I'm going to need to do some serious shopping.
However, I'm not going to go too crazy until I know, for sure, with 100% proof, that we are in fact going to be picking out 2 girl names, paying for 3 weddings, dealing with 3 teenage girls and their hormones, paying for Jujutsu lessons for W to be able to kick some serious wannabe punk rocker/ emo/ jock boyfriend butt, thanking God every day that M is a Ranger and knows fun tactical maneuvers and how to shoot a big gun, and being surrounded by pink and princesses for the next umpteen years.
Three girls? Congrats and good luck! Glad to hear that things are going well. Liam prays each night for "JoAnna's babies." We miss you. Liam loves watching the videos of W & CB.
Oh wow!! Congratulations!
Wheee! Two more girls! I can't wait to hear the names you choose!
Simply Fabuloso! Poor W! And boy, I hope you like drama, because with 3 girls there ain't no avoidin' it! LOL
Great news and congrats!!!
congratulations on 2 more girls! it's going to be FUN at your house!!!! W can come hang out with my two boys--i have the opposite situation since EC will be outnumbered by brothers. :) have a safe trip and i can't wait to hear about your move to CA!
Congrats on two more girls!
You can always ask all moms of girls to send all their clothes your way, you'll be able to dress quints or octuplets that way! Two more girls, somehow that makes me smile :-)
girls!! wow! you're gonna have to start making more tutus! Glad they are big and healthy. And no worries about exercise. My OB told me just being pregnant is a work-out, anything else you do is just gravy (love her!). That's gotta be doubley true w/ twins, right?
SO FABULOSO!! Im excited for the pink princesses. This is gonna be great...
Congratulations! Love the belly and W will make an awesome big brother to 3 little girls!
that's exciting! Congratulations!!! And despite how you may feel...you look AMAZING!
So exciting! It will be great to see you soon. Safe travels without too much itching, OK? I'm thinking pink , pink. The world can use some more strong baby women with Moms who are great role models and who need to be adored by their GrAunts. Love.
Three girls is so much fun! Thanks for the update!
I won't be updating my blog much for a while- broke my leg and won't be on the engine for a couple months.
WOw how exciting :)
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