Thursday, August 6, 2009

short story

Our baby girls were born nearly 3 weeks ago after a nearly pain free and relatively fast labor. The labor itself was incredibly uneventful, the delivery, however, was a bit harrowing but everything turned out just fine. Baby A, who will now be called "A" in the blog, weighed 5 pounds 13 ounces and was 19 inches long and Baby B, who will be called "MJ" in the blog, weighed 5 pounds 8 ounces and was 18 inches long.

We stayed in the hospital for exactly 48 hours before we were booted. I'm sure they would have kicked us out sooner but because the girls were born at 35 weeks, 6 days, they wanted to observe them for an extra day. They should have kept us longer because less than 2 days later we ended up in a different hospital, over an hour away from home, because MJ had dropped a pound from her birth weight and wouldn't eat. 2 days after MJ was admitted, A was also admitted for the same reason. We ended up staying in the hospital for 2 weeks, until both of them had gained their weight back and could take their feeds completely by mouth, instead of just through the feeding tube or by bottle and feeding tube. Thank goodness I was able to stay with them the entire time because I think I would have lost my mind otherwise.

Now we are trying to get our bearings and figure out life because nothing is the same as it was 3 weeks ago. I haven't even gotten a chance to download the pictures off the camera from when the girls were born. I will post the long story of their birth and everything else that happened after, in the next couple of days. Stay tuned.


I'm No Heroine said...

I'm interested to hear the birth story! I'm glad all is well and everyone is together again. How are the other two coping with the new additions?

Name Nazi said...

I can't wait to see pictures!

Congrats again ... Lindsay

Jessica Ryan said...

SO glad that you and the girls are back home!

Angela said...

I'm glad everyone is home and healthy! What a blessing you have been given! :)

Kellie said...

Congrats Joanna! I'm sorry to hear that the girls needed readmitted for feeding issues though. Nothing like a little extra stress on top of adding twin girls to the family! We can't wait to see pictures.

Jen said...

Yay! I've been waiting for this! Glad you are getting enough rest to pull off a blog post. You are a marvel.