Thursday, February 12, 2009

psa for oprah's guests

I don't know why Oprah has moved to having her "guests" chat with her via Skype. Has she gone broke? Can she not afford to fly people to her show anymore? I mean, I understand being all "with the times" and stuff, but really? Skype?? It is so annoying to me and I personally can't stand it. The picture quality is horrible, the sound is bad... the only slightly redeeming thing about this new feature of the show is that it can be fun to look at what is in the rooms that the people decide to set up their camera in. People have some pretty weird stuff on their walls... Honestly though, Oprah, is it really necessary to inform us that, "Boaz is joining us today from his kitchen." Um, would there be a giant subzero fridge in any other room? Thanks for making this clear for me. I was wondering what room they were in.

As annoying as all of that is, the number one peeve I have with the overuse of Skype on her show is the position the people place the webcam for their interview. I don't want to look up your nose or at your crotch! DO NOT put your freaking laptop on the coffee table and then sit, most often in a reclined position, on your couch! All I see is stuff that I could have gone my entire life without seeing. It's like someone bending over in front of you of your face while you are sitting down, but way worse. Gross. For real, gross.

How do you not realize that you look a carnival special when the camera is not at the same level as your face? Why not put the laptop on a stack of books and then turn on the camera? Why not put it on a desk and then sit on a low chair? Do you think it is attractive to have the top of your head appear to be 6 inches narrower than your jawline? Do you not see that your hands look like they are 3x the size of your face? It is not aesthetically pleasing!

Here is the PSA of the day: People who join Oprah from their kitchens or living rooms or wherever via Skype, please, for the love of God, position your camera so I don't have to see your family jewels and/or the treasures in your nose. PLEEEEEEEASE! And if you insist on placing your webcam lower than your face, then at least pull your pants down before you sit so there isn't "bunchage" or "pulling" where there really shouldn't be and blow your nose a couple of times before you go live. The rest of the world would greatly appreciate it.


Midwest Miscellany said...

I'm going to have to start watching Oprah again, just to see all these glorious guests.

Loved your piece :-)

Anonymous said...

Great post, JoAnna. I have to believe this means you and the babies are feeling better (despite Miss O).